Happy Independence Day to Kiwi-Pakistanis Across New Zealand

On this significant occasion of Pakistan’s Independence Day, the Pakistan High Commission extends heartfelt greetings to all Kiwi-Pakistanis across New Zealand. This day is not merely a commemoration of our nation’s founding; it represents a profound idea—an idea of a society grounded in freedom, justice, and unity. Pakistan, as a concept, transcends geographical boundaries and remains eternal.

As we observe this day, it is an opportune moment to reaffirm our commitment to the core principles upon which our nation was built. The vision of Pakistan was to create a society where dignity, equality, and justice prevail. As we hoist our national flag, let us renew our dedication to these ideals, ensuring that they continue to guide our collective efforts.

The Pakistan High Commission takes pride in the contributions of the Pakistani community in New Zealand and looks forward to working together to uphold the values that define our nation. Pakistan Paindabaad